Marshal Quarterly Report
Your office: 
Local Group:
Reporting Period:
To which Kingdom officers should this report be sent:
Please enter any other email address(es) you wish to send a copy of this report
(please separate all address by a ";"): 
Modern Name:
SCA Name:
Street Address:
Primary Phone #:
Membership #:
Membership Expiration Date:
Warrant Expiration Date:
Status of Office:
Activity you performed this reporting period:
Issue that occurred in this reporting period.  Please be explicate as much as possible and include as much detail as needed
Outstanding issues resolved during this reporting period. Please be explicate as much as possible and include as much detail as needed
List any projects. Please be explicate as much as possible and include as much detail as needed
Status of any experimental weapons program that you are involved with:

Status of your local fighter practices.  Please give details like, number of fighters, number of marshals, types of training, and other activities:
Status of your groups' marshal equipment. Please give details, like: numbers and condition of marshal staffs, eric poles, loaner armor, etc...

Status of any injuries that occurred during this period (please do not include modern personjal information): 
Estimated number of active fighters:  
 Estimated number of active marshals:  
Please list any events for which you were the Marshal in Charge:
Is there anyone you which to recognize or praise?
Form Update: RK 2/9/14  

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