Arts & Sciences Quarterly Report
Reporting for the Office of:  
For the Territory of:
Please enter any other email address(es) you wish to send a copy of this report. Include your local seneschal. If you are reporting for a canton, college, or stronghold, include your local baronial Minister of Arts & Sciences. (Please separate all addresses by a ";")
Reporting Period:
Modern Name:
SCA Name:
Street Address:
Primary Phone #:
Membership #:
Membership Expiration Date:
Warrant Expiration Date:
Status of your office (Please state active or Stepping down nwext quarter).
Chief Deputy Information: (Please enter SCA, Legal information and all contact info... Contact info, membership info)
List any projects. Please be as explicit as possible and give as much detail as needed:
List all Arts & Sciences activities you organized or facilitated.
You should include dates, places, number of attendees, activities, and staff.
List all Arts & Sciences activities you organized or facilitated at Demos.
You should include dates, places, number of attendees at the Arts & Sciences activities, and Arts & Sciences staff.

List classes held: Please add teachers, description, when, where, and estimated number of attendees.
Competitions or displays held: Please add description, when, where, estimated number of attendees, estimated number of entries, winners and/or placements. 
Is there anyone you wish to recognize or praise?
Issues that occurred in this reporting period.  Please be as explicit as possible and give as much detail as needed:
Outstanding issues resolved during this reporting period. Please be as explicit as possible and give as much details as needed:
Form Update:RK 2/9/14  

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